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Artikel-Nr.: 118703
Hitec Abtriebshebel Metall einarmig Standard, rot
Technische Daten Gewicht: 0.03 Kg Servo Type: 6 Besondere Merkmale: Zubehör Servos Getriebe: 5 Verzahnung: 5 Kugellager: Nein Wasserdicht: Nein Empfehlung Flug: Nein Empfehlung Heli: Nein Empfehlung Car: Nein Empfehlung Boot: Nein
Leomotion LiPo 450mAh 2s1p 30C - by Fullymax
Leomotion LiPo 450mAh 2s1p 30C - by Fullymax
Qualitätsakku konfektioniert mit JST-Stecker und XH Balancer Stecker | Performance Battery with JST plugs and XH balancing plugs | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Technische Angaben: | Technical Details: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Leomotion LiPo 800mAh 2s1p 20C - by Fullymax
Artikel-Nr.: 5000mAh2s1p40C
Leomotion LiPo 5000mAh 2s1p 40C - by Fullymax
Leomotion LiPo 5000mAh 2s1p 40C - by Fullymax
Artikel-Nr.: 1800mAh2s1p30C
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Leomotion LiPo 1800mAh 2s1p 30C - by Fullymax
Artikel-Nr.: 3700mAh2s1p70C
Leomotion LiPo 3700mAh 2s1p 70C - by Fullymax
Leomotion LiPo 3700mAh 2s1p 70C - by Fullymax
Artikel-Nr.: 2600mAh2s1p40C
Leomotion LiPo 2600mAh 2s1p 40C - by Fullymax
Leomotion LiPo 2600mAh 2s1p 40C - by Fullymax
Artikel-Nr.: 1600mAh2s1p70C
Leomotion LiPo 1600mAh 2s1p 70C - by Fullymax
Leomotion LiPo 1600mAh 2s1p 70C - by Fullymax
Artikel-Nr.: 5000mAh2s1p30C
Leomotion LiPo 5000mAh 2s1p 30C - by Fullymax
Leomotion LiPo 5000mAh 2s1p 30C - by Fullymax
Artikel-Nr.: 900mAh2s1p30C
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Leomotion LiPo 900mAh 2s1p 30C - by Fullymax
Artikel-Nr.: 3300mAh2s1p70C
Leomotion LiPo 3300mAh 2s1p 70C - by Fullymax
Leomotion LiPo 3300mAh 2s1p 70C - by Fullymax
Artikel-Nr.: 3700mAh2s1p40C
Leomotion LiPo 3700mAh 2s1p 40C - by Fullymax
Leomotion LiPo 3700mAh 2s1p 40C - by Fullymax
Artikel-Nr.: 4500mAh2s1p40C
Leomotion LiPo 4500mAh 2s1p 40C - by Fullymax
Leomotion LiPo 4500mAh 2s1p 40C - by Fullymax
Artikel-Nr.: 1600mAh2s1p30C
Leomotion LiPo 1600mAh 2s1p 30C - by Fullymax
Leomotion LiPo 1600mAh 2s1p 30C - by Fullymax
Artikel-Nr.: 2200mAh2s1p30C
Leomotion LiPo 2200mAh 2s1p 30C - by Fullymax
Leomotion LiPo 2200mAh 2s1p 30C - by Fullymax
Artikel-Nr.: 5500mAh2s1p70C
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Leomotion LiPo 5500mAh 2s1p 70C - by Fullymax
Artikel-Nr.: 1600mAh2s1p100C
Leomotion LiPo 1600mAh 2s1p 100C - by Fullymax
Leomotion LiPo 1600mAh 2s1p 100C - by Fullymax
Artikel-Nr.: 1000mAh2s1p30C
Leomotion LiPo 1000mAh 2s1p 30C - by Fullymax
Leomotion LiPo 1000mAh 2s1p 30C - by Fullymax